Its been almost 3 weeks since we opened the door at our new gallery and featured a killer debut exhibition

There has been so many amazing sets of photos up and blog posts, and I feel the need to archive them all in one place.......
Here's the links to all the photostreams with props to the peeps who supported us.
Our posse over at
INVURT did an entire week of interviews with our femmes, one per day as a lead up to the opening, you can read them all
HERE - just click on each link that will take to straight to
INVURTS page, BTW this is a blog
well worth checking everyday.
created this
SET taken with a fish eye lens, really lush pix.
MSA a friends add on Facey, you will keep in the Street Art loop through your newsfeed if you do.
Dean Sunshine master of Street Art Archiving, created this awesome
SET of pix, nice and large and easy to view - his is a blog to follow, as Dean is more often then not the first on the scene - like a street art forensic photographer!
Fitzroy Flasher whom I think most of us are MASSIVE fans off created this beautiful creative
SET, all in sepia tones, Flashers blog is well worth following, one of my tops...
Roger Hyland is an extremely passionate and avid follower of street art - his beautiful photo Flickr
SET of Fibre FEMMES can be seen
I'm not sure who rocket101 is
but chur bro for your
Chasing Ghosts London Street Art documentors Flikr
And our very own
Kaff-eine's flickr
SET - beautiful
Then..... last but not least
(although I'm sure theres more out there I haven't even found yet :)\
Surface POP's Facebook albums
firstly our set of the 3 night bump in & hang -
FIBRE FEMMES set up album
AND our Opening night set
So get amongst it and have a look - if you know of any I've missed send me an
email so I can add them on this archive.